
Hello, Second Period!

For your ORB written assignment, I am requiring you to make three postings abou your ORB on this blog. You must choose three different options from the "blogging optins" handout (on First Class). I am looking for your commentary, which should make obvious why your ORB "educates your conscience."

Please, adhere to the expectations explained on the rubric (also on First Class).

Happy blogging!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Boy in Striped Pajamas

William Butter
Top 10 List
The Boy in Striped Pajamas

10 favorite:
1. The story is about the Holocaust, and Bruno is completely uneducated about the whole thing makes it intresting to read about.

2. Brunos creativity to make a swing out of a tire.

3. Pavels kindness to go and help Bruno when he gets injured from the swing.

4. Brunos compation for exploring.

5. The Berlin House, its 5 stories!

6. Shmuell and how he was so friendly and kind towards Bruno considering his father is an officer in the camp he is forced to put in labor at!

7. Brunos Buzz.

8. The rareness that there was a whole in the bottom of the fence to where a boy can fit through.

9. Brunos grandmother, she knew that what Brunos father was doing was wrong and she was the only one who would stand up for the Jews.

10. Brunos grandmother was fun and liked to play games with Bruno and Gretel.

10 annoying:

1. Brunos Father.

2. Lieutenant Kotler, he seemed to be flirting with Brunos mother. He was also mean to Bruno and called him "little man", he seemed like an evil man in the book.

3. Gretel, she seemed to be mean to Bruno and sarcastic all the time.

4. Shmuell getting beaten for Brunos actions.

5. How Brunos father called all the people on the other side of the fence not humans.

6. How shmuell was so skinny and was being starved to death even though he was so nice.

7. Brunos uneducatedness towards the Jews in Out-With.

8. How Brunos grandmother passed away.

9. The house in Out-With

10. Bruno being sent to march to a gas chamber.

The Boy in Striped Pajamas

William Butter
The Boy in Striped Pajamas

One of my favorite scenes in the book is when Bruno has come to the fence for the last time before he leaves for Berlin for ever. He is visiting his Jewish friend Shmuell and he has no idea why his friend is on that other side of the fence and what lifestyle he is living in at this time and he has also promised his friend that he will help find his Papa. There is a possibility for Bruno to cross to the other side because the fence by where they meet every day isnt properly secure to the ground and lifts up just enough where a little boy can fit through. So Bruno decides that he is going to put on some striped Pajamas and go over there. As Bruno adventures with his friend on the other side of the fence he soon finds out that it is not like his everday happy, free day. Everybody on the other side is sad and very skinny, practically starving to death. Bruno soon begins to feel uncomftorbul after he looks for Shmuells Papa and he decides he wants to go back. As soon as he says he wants to go back the guards blow a whistle and tell the Jews to march. They take all of the Jews to this chamber, and they all stay in here. This scene is very sad because Bruno is so uneducated about what in the world is going on, on this side and he thinks its just jolly old happy world when really they are in a gas chamber waiting to be killed... This is ironic because Brunos father is one of the head officers of the Out-With camps trying to exterminate these Jews when really, HIS SON IS IN THERE! This was my favorite scene because I am very fascinated in the Holocaust and reading about this rare possible scenerio is very intresting and it courageouss. It intrests me because Bruno has no idea in the world that these Jewish people are getting beat or killed, and yet he is in the middle of it!

The Boy In Striped Pajamas

William Butter
I Am Poem
The Boy in Striped Pajamas

I am a boy who was born in Berlin.
I am living in a 5 story house.
I am best friends with Karl, Daniel, and Martin.
I am related to my "Hopeless Case" little sister named Gretel.
I am being forced to move out of my beloved city Berlin because of my fathers job.
I am now living in a lonely isolated house that is only 3 stories called "Out-With".
I am very lonely and have no friends to play with at Out-With.
I am living beside a tall fence spread out for farther than I can see with people in striped pajamas on.
I am very confused and uneducated about the "jews" on the other side of the fence.
I am very bored and have decided to explore.
I am really excited when I found a friend sitting by the fence named Shmuell.
I am now best friends with Shmuell.
I am going to bring Shmuell food almost every day because he is so skinny.
I am sad that I lied about my friendship with Shmuell to Lieutenant Kotler.
I am forced to shave my head because my sister and I have gotten lice!
I am going to move back to Berlin with my sister and mother soon.
I am going to have a final explore to the other side of the fence to see what life is like where Shumell lives, and to try to find his Papa.
I am going to put on the striped pajamas to look similar to all of the other Jews.
I am now nowhere to be found, dead in the gas chambers, holding hands with my bestfriend Shumell.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Top 10

1. Winning State twice

2. Being on the cover of SI

3. Playing in the NBA

4. Playing in the Olympics

5. Getting a Hummer

6. Winning National in eighth grade

7. Going to the same school as my friends

8. Being able to live with his mother again

9. Getting Coach Dru at St. V's

10. Having friends that he can call family.

Bottom 10:

1. Being yelled at by Coach Dambrot

2. Losing the National Championship in the last 5 seconds

3. Being criticized for going to St. V's

4. Being "alone" at St. V's, having nobody to talk to


I Am Poem

I am a kid from Akron, Ohio.
I am living with my mother and going to friend's houses when she can't take care of me.
I am going to a school where nobody speaks to me.
I am playing basketball and I am being featured in Sports Illustrated.
I am winning state championships left and right.
I am losing my focus.
I am losing games.
I am pulling myself together.
I am winning again.
I am focused, dedicated and humble again.
I am drafted into the NBA out of high school.
I am playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers.
I am playing for the US Olympic Team.
I am throwing chalk into the air,
I am LeBron James.

Friday, March 12, 2010

In the Beginning Edmond Dantes is an intelligent, young sailor. He reminds me of Elie Wiesel from the book Night, because they are so innocent, kind and loving. We know he must be handsome to have such a pretty wife, and he must be very kind to care about his dad so much. Dantes is described as “He was a fine, tall, sim young fellow of eighteen or twenty, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a ravens wing; and his whole appearance bespoke that calmness and resolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle to contend with danger.

I am surmised how often I am actually blamed for something I did not do. Just the other day I got a demerit for talking in class but I actually was not talking it was my neighbor. I tried to tell the teacher but they would not listen. This is just like how Edmond Dantes is unfairly charged are treason as Edmond says, “I have committed no crime”( ). Just like Edmond Dantes I try to get out of the charges against me but unfortunately we both fail in doing so.