
Hello, Second Period!

For your ORB written assignment, I am requiring you to make three postings abou your ORB on this blog. You must choose three different options from the "blogging optins" handout (on First Class). I am looking for your commentary, which should make obvious why your ORB "educates your conscience."

Please, adhere to the expectations explained on the rubric (also on First Class).

Happy blogging!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night-time

Mason Conine
English 8-2

The time of this book is in the 1900 in and around London, England. It isn't in any particular season but it has to be cold most of the time because they are in England. Christopher usually stays in his house, at his special school, or around the corner to buy a candy bar. When he is investigating the murder of Wellington (a dog he loves) he dose start to get risky and wonder around the neighborhood to ask people questions. He lives in a very tight neighborhood and he frequently mentions that there are people who live next to him that use drugs a lot. Besides this his setting is very nice and I would like to live here if it was not so cold. If this setting was in a warmer place I would definitely go there. The setting dose change in the middle of the book when he makes a big travel to London from his home town. This makes it very difficult for him because London is such a confusing city. "I didn't knock on the door of number 38,which is the house next to ours house, because the people there take drugs and Father says that i should never talk to them, so I don't. And they play loud music at night and they make me scared sometimes when I see them in the street. And it not really their house." (38). This is talking about his neighborhood at his dad's house where we start off the book. It is also talking about the drug users and how they frighten him. Over all he lives in a very nice place that would be even better if the people living around him where not so strange.

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