
Hello, Second Period!

For your ORB written assignment, I am requiring you to make three postings abou your ORB on this blog. You must choose three different options from the "blogging optins" handout (on First Class). I am looking for your commentary, which should make obvious why your ORB "educates your conscience."

Please, adhere to the expectations explained on the rubric (also on First Class).

Happy blogging!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

"Very stealthily we heard it pass along until it died away in the distance. then the baronet gently opened his door and we set out in pursuit." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle really does a good job of getting and keeping the readers attenion with his contant action and suspicion. He keeps Sherlocka and Watson always in danger and with the murder suspect always changing mostly each chapter.

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