
Hello, Second Period!

For your ORB written assignment, I am requiring you to make three postings abou your ORB on this blog. You must choose three different options from the "blogging optins" handout (on First Class). I am looking for your commentary, which should make obvious why your ORB "educates your conscience."

Please, adhere to the expectations explained on the rubric (also on First Class).

Happy blogging!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Percy Jackson, The Last Olympian

Vince Carrozza
Character sketch

My first impression of the main character of my book was that he was kind of like me. He is dyslexic like I am and has A.D.H.D. like I do. Then I kept reading I noticed he had some of the same problems in school that I had or do have. Then I read a little more and things got weird and I realized he is nothing like me considering he is part god, he has gotten kicked out of every school he has gone to, and has no friends. Other than that he seemed, at first, like an average kid in school. He wasn’t the coolest guy around or anything, but he seemed pretty normal.

As the book goes on he starts to get the characteristics of being brave, lucky, talented, powerful, and having qualities of leadership. He goes on many quests and through the quests you start to pick up how he is brave. When he fights the titan lord Kronos, he does not run away; he stays and fights like a warrior. He stands tall (figuratively) and shows bravery. He is lucky when his friends come just at the right time to save him. Like at the end of the battle with Kronos, Clarisse and the Ares cabin comes in to save him from a dragon monster. He is talented and powerful when he creates the hurricane to beat the Hyperion the titan. No other demigod can do that, or anything close to that. He shows the qualities of leadership when he leads his armies to fight Kronos and his army.

Other characters in the book say the same thing that I do. They say they depend on him to lead them against the army of Kronos. They are astonished by his great power to create a hurricane. They realize how brave he is to fight Kronos, the titan lord, all by himself. They don’t say anything about him being lucky, but its obvious he has his lucky moments. There are many more things other characters say in the book, but I think those are the most important.

Early in the book Percy says, “if I really had the power, what difference would a week make? I could end this threat right here by taking down Kronos. Hey, I’d fought monsters and gods before” (21). In this quote Percy shows his bravery, and from what other characters have said he makes the conclusion, that he is powerful. He does display a little overconfidence and he underestimates his enemy, but when he is fighting that is where some of his power, talent, leadership, and luck kicks in.

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